Board Games for Entrepreneurial Development: A Practical Approach

Board Games for Entrepreneurial Development: A Practical Approach

Mar 11, 2023 Post by Moonpreneur Team0 comments

According to a 2021 report by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), young entrepreneurs (aged 18-24) account for 16.3% of all entrepreneurs worldwide.

How to Include Board Games in Your Entrepreneurship Education


It can be difficult to keep participants' attention and make sure they are understanding and remembering the material during entrepreneurial training because it can be difficult and dry at times. Board games can be incorporated into your curriculum to liven up your training sessions and make them more engaging and interactive. As they allow players to practice making decisions, solving problems, and taking risks in a safe, low-stakes environment, board games can be a great tool for teaching entrepreneurship skills. Following are some suggestions for including board games in your entrepreneurship education:

1. Choose the Right Games

Not all board games are created equal, and some are better suited for teaching entrepreneurship skills than others. Look for games that require strategic thinking, decision-making, and risk-taking, such as Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, or Pandemic. These games also have clear goals and objectives that can tie into your training objectives.

Recommended Reading: Importance of Moonpreneur Board Game in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills

Choose the Right Games

2. Use Games to Teach Specific Skills

Consider the skills you want to teach and how board games can help reinforce those skills. For example, if you want to teach financial literacy, games like Monopoly or Cashflow 101 can be effective. If you want to teach negotiation skills, games like Diplomacy or Sheriff of Nottingham can be useful.

Use Games to Teach Specific Skills

3. Incorporate Games into Your Training Plan

Integrate board games into your training plan, rather than using them as an afterthought or an optional activity. Consider using games as a way to break up lectures and allow participants to practice what they’ve learned in a fun, interactive way.

4. Debrief and Reflect

After playing a board game, take time to debrief and reflect on what participants learned. Discuss how the game relates to real-world entrepreneurship challenges and ask participants to share what they learned and how they can apply those lessons to their own entrepreneurial journey.

Recommended Reading: How To Play Monopoly

5. Consider Moonpreneur Board Game.

Moonpreneur is a highly interactive, thought-provoking, and an invigorating entrepreneurship game. Challenge your abilities to know whether you have entrepreneurial instinct and vision. Enjoy hours of gameplay and engaging family time with Moonpreneur board game.

Including board games in your entrepreneurial training can be a great way to keep participants interested and reinforce important concepts. You can make your training sessions more engaging and productive by picking the appropriate games, using them to teach particular skills, incorporating them into your training plan, debriefing and reflecting, and even coming up with your own game.

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